EP016 | Peter's PIVOT! From Drone Pilot to Drone Solutions Manufacturer

Welcome to Episode 16 of The Drone Mentor Podcast!


In this week's episode, Matt expands on last week's conversations surrounding pivoting within the drone industry... Playing to your strengths and LEANING INTO your passions and your superpowers...


For the first time on The Drone Mentor Podcast, we interview someone who's living the pivot life and has gone from drone operator to manufacturing 'Drone in a box' solutions that are now being delivered and deployed worldwide!


A huge thank you to Peter Campbell for taking time out of his busy schedule to come and chat with us today... Please take a few seconds to return the favor and go check out what Peter is up to by visiting his website HERE:



If you've not done so already, then go get your FREE copy of my eBook 'DRONERS', which explains the strategy YOU can use, to start a successful drone business TODAY!

You can get your copy HERE:



We hope you enjoy this episode & please get in touch if this message resonated with you or if you'd like to hear anything in particular in future episodes!


[email protected]